Know our team!

Aleksandra was born in Belgrade (Yugoslavia) in 1986, now based in Venice (Italy).

Borislav Ivkov’s student, multiple times Medalist in Yugoslav championships, Rapid and Blitz junior European Champion, Aleksandra ever since obtained her best results in open championships.

Aleksandra played four Olympiads in the Bosnian Olympic Team and one time she was also the Team Captain, she also was the Captain of the Bermuda Olympic Team in the Online Olympiads and in Chennai Olympiad.

Under her guidance, both the Bosnian team and the Bermuda team, obtained historical results.

Aside of being a player and trainer, Aleksandra is a very well known and appreciated arbiter, having served in some of the world top level events and a member of FIDE Athletes’ Commission.

Aleksandra speaks Serbo-Croatian (native), English, Russian and all former-YU languages.

Walter was born in Graz (Austria) in 1961 and he is still based there.

Long time sport official and journalist, Walter holds a degree in sport management and he has been awarded the title of Chess Instructor in Austria since the year 2006 and FIDE Trainer since 2013.

Walter speaks German (native) and English.

Augusto was born in Varese (Italy) in 1963, now based in Trieste (Italy).

UISP Italian Champion in 1993, runner up with Padova team in the 2003 Italian League, long time active in the chess publishing industry, rare books expert, he holds the title of National Master and FIDE Trainer.

Augusto is active in the Artificial Intelligence and Chess research, with his publishing house Alpha Chess. Also an organiser, his life is fully dedicated to Chess.

Augusto speaks Italian (native), English and Spanish.